Sunday, March 6, 2011

Communication Memo: Save A Lot Dress Code

To: All Employees
From: Kessel Enterprises
Date: December 20, 2010
Subject: Dress while working

As of January 1, 2011, all employees not in proper attire will be written up for not following the dress code as stated in the hand book. We have not been as strict as we should have been in the past. Corporate officials will be in the store periodically throughout the years to check on our progress. If you are caught by Corporate not in uniform, you may be sent home and/ or written up for the offense.

Proper dress as stated in the hand book will follow.
For a cashier:
- Smock or polo with the SAL logo
-Closed-toe shoes

For stockers:
-T shirt or polo with the SAL logo
-Closed toe shoes

Spaghetti/ Tank tops, sandals, open-toed shoes, sweats, and similar apparel are deemed inappropriate. Dress accordingly. Sweatshirts and hoodies are allowed.

If you have any questions, contact Dan or review the policy in the code of conduct.


The way that this policy was communicated was by oral and written format. We were told by the managers, office help and other employees in the company about the change. The written form was posted by the time clock in the back.

This policy was in effect and followed for roughly two weeks. We did not have enough uniforms to go around, or they were to big for the employees. The manager knew about the uniform problem and did not act accordingly meaning he did not order new garments for the employees who did not have them.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Technology in the Business Setting

When using a cell phone in the business setting, a person should:

...should have their phone on vibrate.
>>>>>Custom ring tones can become very annoying very fast in a quiet area.

>>>>>A cellphone continually going off can also break rapport of the user.

>>>>>If you are expecting an important call, excuse yourself and then thank the guests when you come back.

>>>>>Go somewhere private, so people do not hear one sides phone conversations.

>>>>>Know what to say and how in depth you go. Do NOT give out personal company secrets.

...should wait for the right time to answer the person on the other end of the conversation back such as a break or lunch.
>>>>>A person should not continually answer texts, calls, etc. in the business setting when talking to others because this is a sign of disrespect and will again break rapport.

...should know when and where and what to say an do on a text message or instant message.
>>>>>Know everyone who is on your buddy list so you will not be getting random texts or messages from someone that may be embarrassing.
>>>>>Know when to stop talking to people. The worst thing people can do is continually to bug people which will break rapport and make people not want to talk to you.

>>>>>Do not talk about personal stuff on a work computer or send private messages to people you do not know. If you would not send a message to your grandma, do not send it in an email or text.

>>>>>Know if the time is right to talk to a person. 

>>>>> Allow people the privacy and ability to get work done, so that means leave them alone.

>>>>>Text messaging is intrusive but a great way to get information.

...should not assume someone know what you are talking about through the message and explain it to them in a manner that you both understand the concepts. 
>>>>>Explain the concept fully so that people are not confused when they look at the message and respond back "huh?" or "what do you mean?".

>>>>>Do not use short, text talk that everyone may not know. Use real words. Its hard, I know acronyms are so easy.

...Be real. 
>>>>>Do not beat around the bush when trying to message someone. Be blunt and speak what is on your mind. 

>>>>>Do not say what the people want to hear but what is really needing to be there. If they are being ignorant, tell them so in a "professional" manner. 

Understanding in a Business Message

Here are a few suggestions to understand a clear and concise business message:

* Short concise length
* Easy to comprehend
* Wording appropriate to audience
* Don't use cliches
* Always proofread
* Appropriate level of formality

FAQ's For Business Communication Training

1. Q- What is important about understanding your audience? 
    A- Since we all listen and process information differently, it is crucial to uncover and to become sensitized to the other person's style of communication in order to align it with our own.

2. Q- What responsibility do you have to allow the audience? 
    A- A chance to respond with questions or feedback.

3. Q- How do I know if the Listener understood my message?
    A- Follow up to ensure that the message was successfully received.

4. Q- Did I allow the other person to contribute?
    A- The conversation allow for both parties to fulfill their roles respectively.

5. Q- What parts of my message are being understood?
    A- It your job to make sure it understood in its entire intended message.

6. Q- 
What are two important parts of being a good business communicator?
    A- Concentrate on the quality of our message or give the gift of our own attention.

7. Q- What is important about perceptions of our audience of us as communicators?
    A- Your ability to listen is tainted by our perceptions of the person speaking and by the outcome we are looking to achieve.

The Diagnosis

To be an effective communicator in the eyes of one of the Athletic Trainers has summed up the ideas.

She stated the in order to get through to an athlete you must:
  • Be specific
  • Understandable, and
  • Apply the treatment given to there athlete's sport.

When she says specific, she does not use non-descriptors such as thingy or that over there.

Being understandable goes directly with specifics because, you do not want to confuse the athletes any more because they already do not want to be injured.

Also, talking with athletes, you want to be short and sweet because people stop paying attention. When speaking to athletes, explain the treatment in relation to return to play stature.

*** Person interviewed did not want her name to be placed on the blog. ***

Sunday, February 6, 2011

TWITTER- Time to "Tweet" for Success

The usage of Twitter in three words: Fast, Fun, Easy. 

Twitter has been used for many things from saying someone is eating lunch to going to a very important to business meeting to having an argument with someone over a shoe brand. The site was designed to give people 140 characters to say whatever is on their mind or "What are you doing?" in the words directly off the site. The company has skyrocketed and will need to update soon so they will not be behind and have tons of crashes like they have done in the past. The use of twitter has grown exponentially over the past few years and now has over 175 million users worldwide as of September 2010. Twitter has more than one way of tweeting by allowing the users to "post their updates at or by using text- or instant-message tools."

An advantage to Twitter is that the people using the site are able to get their message what ever that may be out to tons of people at the click of a button. The customers can make suggestions to the companies that have twitter or even compliment them on the good job they are doing. This site allows the people to also vent from the stresses of the day as long as they are able to get what they want to say in 140 characters. I also see that people are using twitter for getting information that would other wise be rumors being spread but allowing people to see that it is true. The power of the grapevine in communication is spreading and allowing this to be used to spread news about natural disasters and tragedies. Michael Jackson's death was one of the many tragedies that was broadcast by twitter within moments after the story was released.

The bad thing about using twitter is that a person may want to use twitter as a private domain but can not because people like the juicy news of others. Some people see twitter posts such as "I'm bored" and do not really want to see them because it is a waste of reading and time if someone else has something "more" important to say. People who are on the site 24 hours a day need to pick up a new hobby because time is a terrible thing to waste. If people have something important to say they can the not say it in an email instead of the 140 short characters. People like talking but somethings are not able to be reported in the small amount of characters that twitter has given them to speak their mind in. Some people just do not get the site: "Why are 140 letters so important to people?"

The Business Aspect
In the words of the representatives of twitter, "Businesses use Twitter to quickly share information with people interested in their products and services, gather real-time market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships with customers, partners and influential people. The aspect of marketing and feedback from clients and customers is at an overwhelming rate. Two businesses that have used twitter to and advantage would the cable company Comcast and the online company Zappos. 

Comcast uses twitter to try and build a better communication and relationships with their customers. One of the customer service managers, Frank Eliason, uses twitter to communicate about the company and tries to solve some of the issues the customers are having.

Zappos is a company gaining attention from many different people and sources. By using twitter they have connected to many more and the CEO,Tony Hsieh, uses the connection to his advantage. He says that he uses it to show his customers that the employees that work at Zappos actually have a personality. He also enjoys the interaction that he has with the customers whether it is just a tweet that says "The customer service at rocks!!"


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ten Nonverbal Communication

Here are just a few of the nonverbal communication gestures that I have come up with. Some of these are used more when you are around your friends than a boss. But you may have a good social group in the office/ store/ place of employment that you may use these also. 
  1. Raising of eyebrows with a rolling of eyes and cocking of head
    1. "I do not like this person"
    2. "Who do you think you are?"
  2. Nodding of head
    1. "Wassup?"
    2. "I agree."
  3. Middle Finger
    1. "Screw you"
    2. "I don't like what you said."
  4. Turning back towards someone agitatedly
    1. "Why is this person sitting here in front of me?"
    2. "I wish this person would stop talking to me."
  5. Shaking of leg
    1. "I gotta pee."
    2. The person may be impatient
    3. The person may be angry
  6. Speed around someone irrtatedly
    1. I wish this person would walk faster.
  7. Deep breathe after something stupid happens then smacking your lips.
    1. "Ugh, really? Did that just happen?"
  8. Rolling of eyes then persing lips
    1. "I don't even want to hear this right now."
  9. Squinting of eyes and puckering of lips and neck extended
    1. "Really?"
  10. Shaking of head
    1. "Nah, man. I ain't feeling that."
  11. Someone reaches for something you have and you quickly jerk away while giving them the death stare.
    1. "What are you doing? This is mine. Get your own."
  12. Smaking lips
    1. "Nah"
    2. "Please" 
    3. "I don't believe you."
    4. "Really?"
  13. Blank stare
    1. Thinking
    2. Out of it

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pharmacists complete health IT communication loop: pharmacists leading the technology curve.

I understand completely what they are talking about in this article.

The author (Jamie I. Gooch) writes in great detail about how the new era is turning towards technology but some pharmacists feel as if they give technology a try either their job will be gone or it will take to much time to adjust to. He also states that the pharmacies have always been in front of the technology curve in the medical field by having all the records on the computer already. The bad part about that is in order to communicate with the the doctors and patients, the have to use a phone or fax which can be slow, unproductive and costly.

 As stated by Shelly Spiro, the president-elect of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, "the biggest hurdle is time," meaning that people want to see that the technology will work then the adoption process will start when they see that it works for the pilot group.

As of now the only people who are charged for the "technology" fee are the pharmacists who use it which could be one reason some stuff is too high, but when the technology fee is dispersed evenly and demands are higher for the technology, it will eventually lower the costs in the long run which will be less money out of the consumers pockets.

The article also states that the new generation is "addicted" to the technology curve that they will not mind what happens.They will just expect to communicate with their health care providers via technology; whether that be by Facebook, Myspace, or any of the other social media sites. 

"Being able to use the patients' electronic health record for pharmacy will help pharmacists take care of their patients more comprehensively," Harry Hagel said in regard to the use of technology in future care of the patients, "but it's going to take some time."

I was able to see some of the future in what the pharmacists and doctors are planning on doing; they are planning on doing in the future. Some of the strengths in the use of technology in the pharmacy is that they can quickly transfer files and pull up the full history of a patient. The doctors and pharmacists may also be able to talk directly to the patients through social media sites. 

In order for pharmacists to utilize technology, they will have to use some of the money out of their big pockets and pay for it, but this will not help the little old customers because the cost will be given to them in the long run. Until the cost is down for the companies the little people will be attacked and charged outrageous prices for the technology used. 

What I learned
I learned even if the companies want to use technology to make their jobs easier, they will not be able to do it because they will not be able to talk to the doctors and customers for a while because of the difference in technology that they use. The slowness or lack of communication of fax and phone between each makes the job of the dealers harder because they have to listen to the doctor then put it in the computer then finally give it to the patient. Some doctors do not want to change what they have been doing for years and will not change for the better and that they do not want to be charged "extra" for the new technology coming into the world. 

I would recommend this article for others because it shows what people are able to accomplish by technology and the hardships found in the future because people do not want to change they old ways. The pharmacies also have an idea on how to use the social media to interact with their patients.

Gooch, Jamie I. "Pharmacists complete health IT communication loop: pharmacists leading the technology curve." Managed Healthcare Executive 19.9 (2009): 25+. General OneFile. Web. 23 Jan. 2011.