Sunday, March 6, 2011

Communication Memo: Save A Lot Dress Code

To: All Employees
From: Kessel Enterprises
Date: December 20, 2010
Subject: Dress while working

As of January 1, 2011, all employees not in proper attire will be written up for not following the dress code as stated in the hand book. We have not been as strict as we should have been in the past. Corporate officials will be in the store periodically throughout the years to check on our progress. If you are caught by Corporate not in uniform, you may be sent home and/ or written up for the offense.

Proper dress as stated in the hand book will follow.
For a cashier:
- Smock or polo with the SAL logo
-Closed-toe shoes

For stockers:
-T shirt or polo with the SAL logo
-Closed toe shoes

Spaghetti/ Tank tops, sandals, open-toed shoes, sweats, and similar apparel are deemed inappropriate. Dress accordingly. Sweatshirts and hoodies are allowed.

If you have any questions, contact Dan or review the policy in the code of conduct.


The way that this policy was communicated was by oral and written format. We were told by the managers, office help and other employees in the company about the change. The written form was posted by the time clock in the back.

This policy was in effect and followed for roughly two weeks. We did not have enough uniforms to go around, or they were to big for the employees. The manager knew about the uniform problem and did not act accordingly meaning he did not order new garments for the employees who did not have them.

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