Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ten Nonverbal Communication

Here are just a few of the nonverbal communication gestures that I have come up with. Some of these are used more when you are around your friends than a boss. But you may have a good social group in the office/ store/ place of employment that you may use these also. 
  1. Raising of eyebrows with a rolling of eyes and cocking of head
    1. "I do not like this person"
    2. "Who do you think you are?"
  2. Nodding of head
    1. "Wassup?"
    2. "I agree."
  3. Middle Finger
    1. "Screw you"
    2. "I don't like what you said."
  4. Turning back towards someone agitatedly
    1. "Why is this person sitting here in front of me?"
    2. "I wish this person would stop talking to me."
  5. Shaking of leg
    1. "I gotta pee."
    2. The person may be impatient
    3. The person may be angry
  6. Speed around someone irrtatedly
    1. I wish this person would walk faster.
  7. Deep breathe after something stupid happens then smacking your lips.
    1. "Ugh, really? Did that just happen?"
  8. Rolling of eyes then persing lips
    1. "I don't even want to hear this right now."
  9. Squinting of eyes and puckering of lips and neck extended
    1. "Really?"
  10. Shaking of head
    1. "Nah, man. I ain't feeling that."
  11. Someone reaches for something you have and you quickly jerk away while giving them the death stare.
    1. "What are you doing? This is mine. Get your own."
  12. Smaking lips
    1. "Nah"
    2. "Please" 
    3. "I don't believe you."
    4. "Really?"
  13. Blank stare
    1. Thinking
    2. Out of it

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